Taylor Swift causes a crisis among teenagers

Just a few weeks ago Taylor Swift started "an on sale" for an upcoming tour. She cautioned Ticket Master that the demand may be more than they are capable of hosting. They assured she and her fans that they were fully capable of handling the demand for her tour.

They were not and the system broke due to the overwhelming demand. Under normal conditions you would simply call Information Technology and start over. 

Oh but you would be wrong, not in today's world. You see, if something goes wrong in our current world, their must be a culprit and they must pay.  

That pay has begun in the form of a class action lawsuit naming Ticket Master for the injury inflicted upon its customers. No, this is not a medical device that promised life and failed, this is a ducat that one of today's lovely brats has been denied and someone must pay.

Did you see the initial gnashing of teeth and deep despair by the pre-adolescent children, ready to smash there I phone and cancel threir Tik Tok account? I made that last part up; today's adolescents would never give up their Tik Tok account.

My God, we have all experienced disappointments in life or even the terror I felt when my mom announced she had had her hand in every man's pant in town, only to feel complete relief when I remembered she had worked at Fortman's dry cleaners.

We rolled with the punches, but not today's kids. They along with opportunistic adults are suing Ticket Master because they were injured by not being able to buy Taylor Swift tickets. Did you see the display, the disappointment, the despair of not being able to see Taylor.

Think about those who have gone before you, like my 3 boys who camped in front of the National Record Mart to buy Bruce Springsteen tickets when he was just dancin in the dark. 

I shudder to think how they might have grown up, had they not scored the Springsteen tickets? Would they have been damaged for life? Would we have had to hire a lawyer on my meager radio salary and fight for our right to party? Would they have been in years of counseling.

It all turned out they scored the tickets, and we avoided the shame of not seeing Bruce, I worry about the Taylor Swift fans who may have to endure a lifetime of regret of not getting to go to that special concert. I pray this is the last disappointment these privileged angels have to endure. 

Dan Rivers


570 WKBN

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