Youngstown hosts the Steve Miller band

When I worked at channel 21, and hosted a legendary television show called Teleview just up the street was the Italian restaurant, across the street their was the "Hasty House' and next door a parking deck that was caving in. 

Oh, the Television show, every once in a blue moon someone remembers it. It was called Teleview but should have been called "we'll interview anyone". 

They wondered what I was up to when I asked if I could schedule my own guests, "he wants to control the content." That was bridge too far they kept their regular scheduler, anyone that called was scheduled and I had to interview them. 

It was good training for my current show. In any case we were across from the police station and city hall. Phelps was an uphill climb to Federal Plaza. Sadie Hogland used to sit in her second-floor perch and actually harass people who didn't pick up their thrash or attempted to drive on Federal Plaza. I like her feistiness. 

As my mind goes down memory lane-Phelps and Boardman, 44503 I have to give props to Hunter Morrison who envisioned a sight line from 

Ward Beecher past Williamson Hall, down Phelps between the old Strouss building crossing Federal starting down Phelps, then rising to Front and going directly into the Foundation Amphitheatre. 

The work that has been done on Phelps going to the Amphitheater is astounding. Along the walk you will find Golden String Radio, Touch the Moon Candy Saloon and a street dotted with tables, chairs and planters. As you head toward the Amp you will see the chapel of friendly bells and the church that is a marvel of architecture. 

This is just scratching the surface of the good things that are happening downtown. As you walk back to Federal and head toward Wick you can't miss the Doubletree Hotel, which is beautifully lighted. The downtown road construction is heading to a conclusion and the city is looking better each day. Nice job Maruchi and Gafney.

I don't know if everything was in a long-term plan, but it has come together very nicely. Walk from Covelli to the Amp along Front and you will see plentiful parking and tailgating for concerts. Some just bring their campers and listen to the music from afar and don't go into the show.

We parked next to a couple from Lakewood who made the drive from Cleveland to Youngstown to see Steve Miller. This is becoming the norm.  

The Amp is a beautiful sight on a summer night, the clouds shielded the stars, but the Steve Miller Band lit their backdrop with artificial stars, white on black and red on black. It was a great scene and setting for the city and fans of Steve Miller. 

The Amp is friendly and inviting, with plenty of places to purchase beverages and food and adequate bathrooms. Miller played hit after hit, concluding with "The Joker" and an encore of "Keep on Rocking me". 

The stage had 4 light columns that periodically changed colors. The sound was clear and crisp from any location on the grounds. Video boards would be a nice edition since we were two football fields from the stage. Miller talked more than any artist I have heard in recent years and much of it was inaudible due to his low talking.

It's quite a luxury afforded few towns to have so many entertainment choices. With the success of Steve Miller, Kool and the Gang, the Jazz Fest, REO, the Doobies and Rick Springfield perhaps more shows can be added next year. Youngstown buys concert tickets and appreciates the convenience of the Covelli Center and Foundation Amp. 

After being in the political fray for the past month it's nice to report a wonderful story, in that our town is progressing.

Up next is Youngstown favorites the Vindy's performing at the Football tailgate party next Saturday at the main tailgate lot. Try to take it in as we prepare for the opening of Youngstown State Football in a little over two weeks.

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