Dan Rivers

Dan Rivers

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The Dan Rivers Show Wednesday March 15, 2017


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The 25 Most Popular Irish Pubs In America, According To Foursquare: http://read.bi/2mJqb0H (Business Insider)

6 Bizarre Things You Didn't Know About Leprechauns: http://bit.ly/1V6XRQ7 (Mirror.co.uk) 

26 Pictures Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Every Time: http://bzfd.it/2moCOul (Buzzfeed)

17 Ways To Become A More Interesting Person: http://read.bi/2n6yZyn (Business Insider)

Tips For Finding The Best Rotisserie Chicken At The Grocery Store: http://fxn.ws/2np2etS (Fox)

7 Really Weird But Actually True Medical Stories: http://bzfd.it/2n6tiR7 (Buzzfeed)

7 Surprisingly Ways You Wreck Your Body When You Don't Get Off Your Butt: http://fxn.ws/2lWSRVf (Fox)

7 Easy Ways to Stop Your Gadgets From Spying on You: http://ti.me/2mWfFU0 (Time)

Outfits That Take A Toll On A Woman's Health: http://dailym.ai/2mok2mU (Daily Mail)

24 Jokes You’ll Only Get If You Have Siblings: http://bzfd.it/2lXo9v5 (Buzzfeed)


WHO IS THE MOST ANNOYING PERSON IN YOUR LIFE? (TellWut)An online poll of over 1,200 people reveals who they say is the most annoying person in their life:

  • 24% a family member
  • 14% a neighbor
  • 9% a spouse
  • 8% a co-worker
  • 5% my boss
  • 28% N/A
  • 4% other


  • Which behavior is more irritating: when someone chews with their mouth open, or when someone sneezes or coughs and doesn’t cover their mouth?
  • Do you think you’re annoyed easily?
  • If you realize you’re doing something to annoy someone do you usually stop or just keep doing it?

PEOPLE ARE BOTHERED BY HAVING A DOUBLE CHIN (Allergan/ PR Newswire)A poll of 1,996 U.S. adults reveals the following:

  • 47% reported being bothered by the appearance of the area underneath their chin
  • 49% said the area underneath their chin negatively impacts their appearance
  • 45% felt people noticed the area under their chin
  • 55% of female respondents reported being bothered by the area under their chin, compared to 40% of male respondents
  • 78% admitted they are more likely to notice a double chin on a woman than a man

TEACHERS SAY THEIR JOBS ARE GETTING MORE STRESSFUL (Course Hero/ PR Newswire)A poll of 412 college and university professors and 117 high school Advanced Placement (AP) teachers reveals the following:

  • 42% say their job has become more stressful over the past year
  • 8% say their job has become less stressful over the past year
  • 50% say their job stress level has remained the same over the past year
  • 56% say that student behavior negatively impacted their work in the past year
  • 48% say stagnant wages impacted their work
  • 42% say increases in administrative regulation adversely affected their work
  • 63% say their top source of stress is increasing workload/courseload
  • 46% say their top source of stress is insufficient pay
  • 42% say their top source of stress is lack of support staff

WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WOULD LOVE TO DO IF IT WERE MORE SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE? (TellWut)An online poll of over 1,200 people reveals things people say they’d love to do if it were more socially acceptable:

  • 11% become a swinger
  • 9% get a lot of tattoos
  • 8% shave all your hair off
  • 67% N/A
  • 4% other

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