Dan Rivers

Dan Rivers

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The National Rifle Association's fight for freedom

provided this testimony 10 years ago. It was not widely covered and mostly dismissed.

firearms, I felt completely safe.  

government made a decision that the mass murderers' name would never be uttered. The cowardly homicide purveyor would never become famous, and we should practice the same. No manifestos released, no publicity. Don't say their names, they should get no publicity for their evil deeds. 


Ronald Reagan was the governor of California in the late 70's.

Firearms, I wonder if he knows single shot or Semi Automatic they both accomplish the same function.

many things including freedom to gather, protest, speak without reprisal and ask for releif from a government that is by the people and for the people. 

heart and it was guaranteed by those who reside in Flanders Field and Arlinton National Cemetary. 

Saturday, I watched a speaker pull out the cover of Newsweek magazine and the headline was the National Rifle Association. The NRA executive director told the writer if you want to end gun violence make it a law that anyone caught with a gen under disability will serve a minimum of 10 years in prison. Wayne Lapierre provided this testimony 10 years ago. It was not widely covered and mostly dismissed.


If the word got out that one will do a long stretch in prison if caught carrying a weapon not entitled to possess street shootings would disappear as freedom even lives in the heart of criminals. My leap of faith, the first paragraph is a paraphrase of the Executive Vice President of the National Rifle Association addressing his the annual members only meeting Saturday in Indianapolis. 

Lapierre would put those on notice, commit a felony with a weapon one is not entitled to, and you will do a long stretch in the big house. Before the crying about overcrowded jails and mandatory sentencing begin, judge the proposal from a common sense standpoint. If the law was consistent as killers knew that just possessing a gun under disability will take them off the Steet for 10 years, one would consider the downside of being arrested for carrying a gun under disability.  

Wayne Lapierre, in his members' only address, went on to remind us of what the National Rifle Association is fighting for. If you ventured a guess that it's about protecting members ability to possess a stinger missile you are in error. The National Rifle Association is singularly for freedom. It's not some buzz word. It's something that used to live in scores of other countries, but when lost its lost forever.  

Liberally using some of what Lapierre said is the basic tentent that freedom lives in your heart and in Arlington National Cemetary. Freedom has been paid for in the blood of those who gave their lives for the right to be free. Our founding fathers fought a do or die war as they rebelled against England who wanted to disarm the rebel colonies. Disarm the colonist and they are easier to control.  

Our founding fathers said the right to bear arms would not be infringed upon. They knew it was the second amendment that would guarantee all the other amendments. Hitler knew if he disarmed the populace his evil deeds would be guaranteed and easier to control a compliant populace. 

Freedom is not negotiable, it lives in all men, it was most recently lost in Australia. Russians gave it up years ago. As I strode the halls of the annual meeting of the National Rifle association, you learned that the National Rifle association is not about madmen collecting 50 caliber machine guns and ravaging America. The NRA is about keeping America free of tyranny. Once freedom is lost, it's lost forever and you will toe the line of a benevolent government, or tyrannical government. History tells us we should not gamble on benevolence. As I mingled among thousands who carried concealed firearms, I felt completely safe.  

Lapierre said many things, but no comment was more spot on than talking about the New Zeeland mass killer. The New Zealand government made a decision that the mass murderers' name would never be uttered. The cowardly homicide purveyor would never become famous, and we should practice the same. No manifestos released, no publicity. Don't say their names, they should get no publicity for their evil deeds. 

If you want to see freedom lost, look no further to the state of California. The population is nearly disarmed, and it is nearly impossible to constitutionally carry in California. The result is a state ruled by gangs and homeless vagrants, drug users and general chaos.  

Disarming a populace has occurred in California and New York in spite of one constitutional right to bear arms. Both New York and California make it more difficult each year to possess a Constitutionally guaranteed firearm. The wealthy and privileged still have their security detail. How quick can it happen; Ronald Reagan was the governor of California in the late 70's.

President Biden has it wrong too. He is fixed on taking away Semi-Automatic Firearms, I wonder if he knows single shot or Semi-Automatic, they both accomplish the same function.

Remember, if you like our Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the freedom of press that is guaranteed remember the NRA is fighting to guarantee those rights not be violated. Your right to bear arms shall not be infringed. Our founding fathers above everything wanted you to be free. Freedom means many things including freedom to gather, protest, speak without reprisal and ask for relief from a government that is by the people and for the people. 

Remember as a freedom loving American Firearm ownership is not just about going to the range and shooting clay pigeons. The right to possess firearms is about freedom itself. Freedom lives in everyone's heart, and it was guaranteed by those who reside in Flanders Field and Arlington National Cemetary. 

Dan Rivers

570 WKBN


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